Rose Oxygenating Hydra Essence EX (Toner) - For All Skin Types
Rose Oxygenating Hydra Essence EX (Toner)
Product code: RS001
Capacity: 120ml
Status: Preorder
NO Extra Charges! (except reg. mail)
Price: SGD23.90
Niu Er Product Description (Please scroll down for more details)
This Rose Oxygenating Hydra Essence EX (Toner) helps quench "thirsty" skin, giving it the refreshing and hydrating effect a healthy skin should have.
Product Information:
Lifespan: 6 months after opening. Otherwise put in refrigerator for prolong lifespan.
Methods of Use:
Wash face with cleanser ►►► Soak some Hydra Essence onto facial cotton and lightly dab ►►► Follow-up with moisturizer ►►► To use morning and night.
Tips from RC:
You may pour an amount of Rose Oxygenating Hydra Essence EX (Toner) in a separate portable spray container and spray onto face throughout the day while you were outside. This could help maintain and replenish the water level of the skin.
Product Information:
Lifespan: 6 months after opening. Otherwise put in refrigerator for prolong lifespan.
Methods of Use:
Wash face with cleanser ►►► Soak some Hydra Essence onto facial cotton and lightly dab ►►► Follow-up with moisturizer ►►► To use morning and night.
Tips from RC:
You may pour an amount of Rose Oxygenating Hydra Essence EX (Toner) in a separate portable spray container and spray onto face throughout the day while you were outside. This could help maintain and replenish the water level of the skin.
- 玫瑰精油及玫瑰萃取液 保加利亚玫瑰精油(Rosa Damascana)能增加肌肤含水量,玫瑰萃取液(Rosa Centifolia)含丰富的类黄酮素,能提升肌肤活力;天然的玫瑰气息能让您倍感身心舒畅。
- 玻尿酸 强效保湿因子,能紧锁住肌肤水分,发挥长效保湿,预防肌肤干燥、缺水。
- 复合氨基酸 包含丝胺酸、精胺酸、甘胺酸、榖胺酸等多种氨基酸,为蕴含于肌肤角质层的天然保湿因子,分子细致,能强化肌肤的涵水保湿功效。
- 维他命A 可以增加胶原蛋白的制造,改善肌肤的纹路。
- 水解蚕丝蛋白 可以保护肌肤免于失水干燥,并且可赋予肌肤柔滑感。
- 小黄瓜植物萃取 保湿、安抚肌肤。
- 芦荟萃取 安抚、舒缓肌肤,并能补充肌肤水份。
- 分子钉 能为肌肤筑起长效锁水墙,防止水分流失。
Anti-Wrinkle Nourishing Rose Mask - For All Skin Types
Anti-Wrinkle Nourishing Rose Mask
Product code: RS002
Capacity: 25mlx5sheets
Status: Out-of-stock
Niu Er Product Description (Please scroll down for more details)
Anti-Wrinkle Nourishing Rose Mask contains ingredients such as Morocco's Rose extract as an excellent hydrating substance, Vitamin A that promotes collagen re-generation and Q10 for a firmer, anti-aging and younger looking skin.
Product Information:
Lifespan: 6 months after opening. Otherwise put in refrigerator for prolong lifespan.
Methods of Use:
Wash face with cleanser ►►► Toner ►►► Apply 1 sheet of mask ►►► Leave on for 15-20 mins ►►► Remove. No rinsing needed. Lightly dab excess essence into skin ►►► To use 2-3 times weekly or alternate days.
Product Information:
Lifespan: 6 months after opening. Otherwise put in refrigerator for prolong lifespan.
Methods of Use:
Wash face with cleanser ►►► Toner ►►► Apply 1 sheet of mask ►►► Leave on for 15-20 mins ►►► Remove. No rinsing needed. Lightly dab excess essence into skin ►►► To use 2-3 times weekly or alternate days.
Rose Flower Facial Night Jelly - For Normal to Oily (Dehydrated) Skin Types
Rose Flower Facial Night Jelly EX
Product code: RS003
Capacity: 70ml
Status: Preorder
NO Extra Charges! (except reg. mail)
Price: SGD25.90
Niu Er Product Description (Please scroll down for more details)
At night is when our skin metabolism is most active. Therefore skin treatment/repair is most suitable to be done at night especially while we were sleeping. This non-greasy Night Jelly is a no-rinse hydrating treatment which you could apply at night before you go to sleep. You skin will reveal a brighter and more supple the next day when you wake up. Also if you always sleep under air-conditioning system, it is highly recommended that you use this Night Jelly.
Product Information:
Lifespan: 6 months after opening. Otherwise put in refrigerator for prolong lifespan.
Methods of Use:
Cleanse/Toner/Moisturize ►►► Before you sleep, apply Night Jelly evenly and massage until fully absorb ►►► No rinsing needed ►►► To every night.
Product Information:
Lifespan: 6 months after opening. Otherwise put in refrigerator for prolong lifespan.
Methods of Use:
Cleanse/Toner/Moisturize ►►► Before you sleep, apply Night Jelly evenly and massage until fully absorb ►►► No rinsing needed ►►► To every night.
- 玫瑰精油及玫瑰萃取液 保加利亚玫瑰精油(Rosa Damascana)能增加肌肤含水量,玫瑰萃取液(Rosa Centifolia)含丰富的类黄酮素,能提升肌肤活力;天然的玫瑰气息能让您倍感身心舒畅。
- 玻尿酸 强效保湿因子,能紧锁住肌肤水分,发挥长效保湿,预防肌肤干燥、缺水。
- 复合氨基酸 包含丝胺酸、精胺酸、甘胺酸、榖胺酸等多种氨基酸,为蕴含于肌肤角质层的天然保湿因子,分子细致,能强化肌肤的涵水保湿功效。
- 维他命A 可以增加胶原蛋白的制造,改善肌肤的纹路。
- 水解蚕丝蛋白 可以保护肌肤免于失水干燥,并且可赋予肌肤柔滑感。
- 小黄瓜植物萃取 保湿、安抚肌肤。
- 芦荟萃取 安抚、舒缓肌肤,并能补充肌肤水份。
- 分子钉 能为肌肤筑起长效锁水墙,防止水分流失
Rose Oxygenating Deep Cleansing Oil EX
- For All Skin Types. Especially Those With Dry and Dull Looking Skins
Rose Oxygenating Deep Cleansing Oil EX
Product code: RS004
Capacity: 120ml
Status: Preorder
NO Extra Charges! (except reg. mail)
Price: SGD23.50
Niu Er Product Description (Please scroll down for more details)
Rose Oxygenating Deep Cleansing Oil EX is non-greasy and helps removes makeup thoroughly. Its lubricant effect helps clear clogged pores with impurities effectively!
Product Information:
Lifespan: 6 months after opening. Otherwise put in refrigerator for prolong lifespan.
Methods of Use:
Apply Cleansing Oil (About 2-4 pumps) onto face ►►► Massage gently until makeup dissolves ►►► Lather with water, massage and rinse off ►►► Follow-up with cleanser ►►► To use daily.
Product Information:
Lifespan: 6 months after opening. Otherwise put in refrigerator for prolong lifespan.
Methods of Use:
Apply Cleansing Oil (About 2-4 pumps) onto face ►►► Massage gently until makeup dissolves ►►► Lather with water, massage and rinse off ►►► Follow-up with cleanser ►►► To use daily.
- 玫瑰果油 修护、滋润肌肤,防止肌肤干燥。
- 保加利亚玫瑰精油 协助肌肤涵水能力,活化、明亮肌肤。
- 向日葵花子油 深层卸除彩妆、污垢。
- 维他命E 抗氧化,防止肌肤受外界环境伤害
Rose Oxygenating Facial Exfoliator EX
- For All Skin Types. Especially Those With Dry and Dull Looking Skins
Rose Oxygenating Facial Exfoliator EX
Product code: RS005
Capacity: 60ml
Status: Preorder
NO Extra Charges! (except reg. mail)
Price: SGD23.50
Niu Er Product Description (Please scroll down for more details)
Rose Oxygenating Facial Exfoliator EX helps deep cleanse and remove dead skin cells. It does not contain scrubbing beads which may hurt the skin due to excessive rubbing yet could still remove dead skin cells effectively and gently.
Product Information:
Lifespan: 6 months after opening. Otherwise put in refrigerator for prolong lifespan.
Methods of Use:
Wash face with cleanser ►►► Apply Exfoliator onto face and massage gently ►►► Residue formed-Dead skin cells pickup ►►► Rinse with water ►►► To use 1-2 times weekly.
Tips from RC:
Be careful not to over exfoliate the skin. As over do it may damage the delicate skin surface and results in drier skin.
Product Information:
Lifespan: 6 months after opening. Otherwise put in refrigerator for prolong lifespan.
Methods of Use:
Wash face with cleanser ►►► Apply Exfoliator onto face and massage gently ►►► Residue formed-Dead skin cells pickup ►►► Rinse with water ►►► To use 1-2 times weekly.
Tips from RC:
Be careful not to over exfoliate the skin. As over do it may damage the delicate skin surface and results in drier skin.
- 玫瑰精油及玫瑰萃取液 保加利亚玫瑰精油(Rosa Damascana)能增加肌肤含水量,玫瑰萃取液(Rosa Centifolia)含丰富的类黄酮素,能提升肌肤活力;天然的玫瑰气息能让您倍感身心舒畅。
- 甘油 水性保湿因子,能加强肌肤保湿效果。
- 小黄瓜植物萃取 保湿、安抚肌肤。
- 芦荟萃取 安抚、舒缓肌肤,并能补充肌肤水份。
- 阳离子界面活性剂 吸附老废角质蛋白,协助洁净角质污垢。
- 维他命A 可以改善肌肤的纹路。
Rose Oxygenating Hydra Eye Serum EX - For All Skin Types.
Rose Oxygenating Hydra Eye Serum EX
Product code: RS006
Capacity: 15ml
Status: Preorder
NO Extra Charges! (except reg. mail)
Price: SGD25.90
Niu Er Product Description (Please scroll down for more details)
Rose Oxygenating Hydra Eye Serum EX is an excellent hydrating serum for tired eyes. It is recommended to use morning and night when fine lines starts to appear around eye area.
Product Information:
Lifespan: 6 months after opening. Otherwise put in refrigerator for prolong lifespan.
Methods of Use:
Wash face with cleanser ►►► Toner ►►► Take 1 drop of serum and dab gently onto both eye areas ►►► Follow-up with eye cream ►►► To use morning and night.
Product Information:
Lifespan: 6 months after opening. Otherwise put in refrigerator for prolong lifespan.
Methods of Use:
Wash face with cleanser ►►► Toner ►►► Take 1 drop of serum and dab gently onto both eye areas ►►► Follow-up with eye cream ►►► To use morning and night.
- 玫瑰精油及玫瑰萃取液 保加利亚玫瑰精油(Rosa Damascana)能增加肌肤含水量,玫瑰萃取液(Rosa Centifolia)含丰富的类黄酮素,能提升肌肤活力;天然的玫瑰气息能让您倍感身心舒畅。
- 复合氨基酸 包含丝胺酸、精胺酸、甘胺酸、榖胺酸等多种氨基酸,为蕴含于肌肤角质层的天然保湿因子,分子细致,能强化肌肤的涵水保湿功效。
- 水解蚕丝蛋白 可以保护肌肤免于失水干燥,并且可赋予肌肤柔滑感。
- 小黄瓜植物萃取 保湿、安抚肌肤。
- 芦荟萃取 安抚、舒缓肌肤,并能补充肌肤水份。
- 金盏花萃取 安抚,防止眼圈肌肤不适,让眼圈肌肤平滑细嫩。
- 分子钉 细胞间的天然屏障,能为肌肤筑起长效锁水墙,防止水分流失。
- 维他命A 可以增强胶元蛋白的制造,改善肌肤纹路。
Rose Oxygenating Hydra Facial Creme Ex- For Normal to Dry Skin Types.
Rose Oxygenating Hydra Facial Creme Ex
Product code: RS007
Capacity: 60ml
Status: Preorder
NO Extra Charges! (except reg. mail)
Price: SGD25.90
Niu Er Product Description (Please scroll down for more details)
Rose Oxygenating Hydra Facial Creme Ex's fine texture enable moisturizing substance to penetrate into skin effectively to quench "thirsty" and dull looking skin.
Product Information:
Lifespan: 6 months after opening. Otherwise put in refrigerator for prolong lifespan.
Methods of Use:
Wash face with cleanser ►►► Toner ►►► Apply Creme and massage gently evenly onto face ►►► To use morning and night.
Product Information:
Lifespan: 6 months after opening. Otherwise put in refrigerator for prolong lifespan.
Methods of Use:
Wash face with cleanser ►►► Toner ►►► Apply Creme and massage gently evenly onto face ►►► To use morning and night.
- 玫瑰精油及玫瑰萃取液 保加利亚玫瑰精油(Rosa Damascana)能增加肌肤含水量,玫瑰萃取液(Rosa Centifolia)含丰富的类黄酮素,能提升肌肤活力;天然的玫瑰气息能让您倍感身心舒畅。
- 玻尿酸 强效保湿因子,能紧锁住肌肤水分,发挥长效保湿,预防肌肤干燥、缺水。
- 复合氨基酸 包含丝胺酸、精胺酸、甘胺酸、榖胺酸等多种氨基酸,为蕴含于肌肤角质层的天然保湿因子,分子细致,能强化肌肤的涵水保湿功效。
- 维他命A 可以增加胶原蛋白的制造,改善肌肤的纹路。
- 水解蚕丝蛋白 可以保护肌肤免于失水干燥,并且可赋予肌肤柔滑感。
- 小黄瓜植物萃取 保湿、安抚肌肤。
- 芦荟萃取 安抚、舒缓肌肤,并能补充肌肤水份。
- 分子钉 能为肌肤筑起长效锁水墙,防止水分流失。
- 维他命E 抗氧化,防止肌肤受外界环境伤害
Rose Oxygenating Hydra Facial Wash EX - For All Skin Types.
Rose Oxygenating Hydra Facial Wash EX
Product code: RS008
Capacity: 120ml
Status: Preorder
NO Extra Charges! (except reg. mail)
Price: SGD22.90
Niu Er Product Description (Please scroll down for more details)
If you like the light fragrance of Bulgaria rose,then you will love this Rose Oxygenating Hydra Facial Wash EX. Foam texture produced during massaging will not irritates skin.
Product Information:
Lifespan: 6 months after opening. Otherwise put in refrigerator for prolong lifespan.
Methods of Use:
Apply cleanser (2-4 pumps) onto face ►►► Lather with water & rub gently until foam produced ►►► Rinse thoroughly with water ►►► To use morning and night.
Product Information:
Lifespan: 6 months after opening. Otherwise put in refrigerator for prolong lifespan.
Methods of Use:
Apply cleanser (2-4 pumps) onto face ►►► Lather with water & rub gently until foam produced ►►► Rinse thoroughly with water ►►► To use morning and night.
- 玫瑰精油及玫瑰萃取液 保加利亚玫瑰精油(Rosa Damascana)能增加肌肤含水量,玫瑰萃取液(Rosa Centifolia)含丰富的类黄酮素,能提升肌肤活力;天然的玫瑰气息能让您倍感身心舒畅。
- 复合氨基酸 包含丝胺酸、精胺酸、甘胺酸、榖胺酸等多种氨基酸,为蕴含于肌肤角质层的天然保湿因子,分子细致,能强化肌肤的涵水保湿功效。
- 小黄瓜植物萃取保湿、安抚肌肤。
- 氨基酸起泡剂 温和的氨基酸系洁肤起泡剂,泡沫细致,能温和清洁肌肤,而不会造成肌肤干燥紧绷。
Rose Oxygenating Hydra Massage Nectar - For All Skin Types.
Rose Oxygenating Hydra Massage Nectar
Product code: RS009
Capacity: 30ml
Status: Out-of-stock
Rose Oxygenating Hydra Serum EX - For All Skin Types.
Rose Oxygenating Hydra Serum EX
Product code: RS010
Capacity: 30ml
Status: Preorder
NO Extra Charges! (except reg. mail)
Price: SGD25.90
Niu Er Product Description (Please scroll down for more details)
Beside hydrating, this Rose Oxygenating Hydra Serum EX has very good anti-aging function as well to reduce appearance of fine lines. It is highly recommended for ladies age 25 and above.
Product Information:
Lifespan: 6 months after opening. Otherwise put in refrigerator for prolong lifespan.
Methods of Use:
Wash face with cleanser ►►► Toner ►►► Apply Hydra Serum (2-4 pumps) and massage gently onto face until fully absorb ►►► Follow-up with moisturizer ►►► To use daily or alternate day
Product Information:
Lifespan: 6 months after opening. Otherwise put in refrigerator for prolong lifespan.
Methods of Use:
Wash face with cleanser ►►► Toner ►►► Apply Hydra Serum (2-4 pumps) and massage gently onto face until fully absorb ►►► Follow-up with moisturizer ►►► To use daily or alternate day
- 玫瑰精油及玫瑰萃取液 保加利亚玫瑰精油(Rosa Damascana)能增加肌肤含水量,玫瑰萃取液(Rosa Centifolia)含丰富的类黄酮素,能提升肌肤活力;天然的玫瑰气息能让您倍感身心舒畅。
- 玻尿酸 强效保湿因子,能紧锁住肌肤水分,发挥长效保湿,预防肌肤干燥、缺水。
- 复合氨基酸 包含丝胺酸、精胺酸、甘胺酸、榖胺酸等多种氨基酸,为蕴含于肌肤角质层的天然保湿因子,分子细致,能强化肌肤的涵水保湿功效。
- 维他命A 改善肌肤的纹路。
- 水解蚕丝蛋白 可以保护肌肤免于失水干燥,并且可赋予肌肤柔滑感。
- 小黄瓜植物萃取 保湿、安抚肌肤。
- 芦荟萃取 安抚、舒缓肌肤,并能补充肌肤水份。
- 分子钉 肌肤的天然屏障,能为肌肤筑起长效锁水墙,防止水分流失。
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